Photographed by Zack Garlitos for the Brooklyn Rail.
Joachim Pissarro
Joachim Pissarro is currently the Bershad Professor of Art History and Director of the Hunter College Galleries, Hunter College, CUNY/City University of New York. He was a Curator at MoMA’s Department of Painting and Sculpture.
His teaching and writing presently focus on the challenges facing art history due to the unprecedented proliferation of art works, images, and visual data. He co-authored a book on this topic with David Carrier, entitled Wild Art. In the same vein, he also taught a seminar on Michael Jackson: The Contemporary Representation of a Cultural Icon.
University of Texas, at Austin
Ph.D. in History of Art
Dissertation: Individualism and Intersubjectivity in Modernism. Two Case Studies of Artistic Interchanges: Camille Pissarro and Paul Cézanne / Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg
Courtauld Institute, London
M. Phil. in History of Art
Sorbonne, Paris IV
Licence de philosophie
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Written Entrance Examination
(Major: Philosophy)
English, French, German, Italian, Russian (reading knowledge: Hebrew, Latin, and Ancient Greek)